Solid as a rock

We are living in turbulent times. The past few years have been marked by an exceptionally high number of crises from economic uncertainty to the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine. There’s no doubt that the next few years will be challenging for the President of Finland, who leads Finland’s foreign and security policies.

Turbulent times call for steady leadership. Finland will be faced with challenging situations and demanding decisions that require stability, solid leadership and responsibility.

The next president of Finland should be solid as a rock that stands firmly in its place through storms.

Stability and solidness stem from experience. Experience to make decisions firmly. Assess things thoroughly when needed. Take responsibility for our society and all its people. Listen to people and their views even when it is difficult to find common ground. Stability to trust each other and in Finland's future.

The Finland of tomorrow is a society of high expertise, entrepreneurship and genuine caring. It is a strong and crisis-resistant, fair and sustainable for future generations. Finland has all the capabilities to not only survive as a nation but also succeed – as long as we know how to adapt and stay united.

Freedom, equality, democracy and the rule of law are values that I have worked for almost four decades – and I promise to continue to defend them as president of the Republic of Finland.

I invite you to join our campaign, for the best of Finland. 

Olli Rehnin allekirjoitus.

Olli Rehn was born in Mikkeli, Finland, in 1962. His father Tauno Rehn was a spare part and car salesman and his mother Vuokko Rehn (née Valjakka) was an English teacher and also a Member of the Finnish Parliament in 1995–1999. Olli Rehn is married to Merja Rehn and they have three adult children.

Olli Rehn has been Governor of the Bank of Finland since 2018. He has an extensive career that has included various international and domestic positions. As a Member of the European Commission in 2004–2014, he served as Vice-President and commissioner for Enlargement and for Economic and Monetary Affairs. In this position, he found solutions to the challenges of post-war recovery in the Balkans and was at the heart of dealing with the Eurozone crisis.

Olli Rehn was elected Member of the Finnish Parliament from Helsinki for the terms 1991–1995 and 2015–2016. In the latter term, he served as Minister of Economic Affairs. He was elected to the European Parliament among first Finns in 1995 and again in 2014. In the latter term, he served as Vice President of the European Parliament. In 2016, he transferred to the Board of the Bank of Finland.

Olli Rehn holds a degree as Doctor of Philosophy in international political economy from the University of Oxford (1996).

Olli Rehn’s military rank is lieutenant (reserve).

Olli is passionate about two hobbies. One is reading, especially biographies and political history. The other is football, which he calls rather a lifestyle than just a hobby. He also enjoys cooking and listening to rock and jazz music.

Join the campaign

Olli Rehn’s campaign is supported by the citizen network “ollirehn2024”. You are warmly welcome to join the network! To join, fill in the form below. 

Anu Vehviläinen, leader of the citizen network

Donate to Olli Rehn’s campaign

You can support Olli Rehn’s presidential campaign by donating a sum of your choice using the details below or the provided MobilePay code. As part of the campaign collection, your donation will be used in full to support Olli Rehn’s presidential campaign.

According to the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding, donations of EUR 1,500 or more are public.

Recipient: Tasavallan Parhaaksi ry
Reference: 9111
Account: FI59 5620 0920 7480 75

Contact information

Campaign Manager

Satu Mäki-Lassila
+358 50 354 7573

Campaign coordinator (speech and panel invitations)

Hanna Markkanen 
+358 45 318 8401

Campaign coordinator (tour schedules)

Linda Lähdeniemi
+358 50 540 4478

Leader of the citizen network

Anu Vehviläinen

Volunteer management

Juha Iso-Aho
+358 50 374 5416

Media relations

Jirka Hakala
+358 50 388 0016